Assalamualaikum wbt... welcome to my blog yang tersangat cantik dan indah lagi permai ni... Tinggal la komen/nasihat sebagai panduan untuk moon. okey semua. Enjoy!
Daisypath Friendship tickers

Friday, April 15, 2011

Update : Bruno Mars Concert.. Best!


Assalamualaikum... Hai semua... dah lama moi tak buat apa-apa entry kan... so tengah rajin ni moi nak buat few entry yang moi malas sangat nak buat disebabkan line internet problem dan sebagainye... Bagi yang tak kenal dan tak pernah singgah sini mungkin tak tahu yang moi ni peminat fanatik BRUNO MARS... baru-baru ni kan beliau ada buat konsert kat KL... moi pergi konsert walaupun dah sedia maklum tiket konsert beliau dah sold out... hehehe Oleh kerana BF moi jual tiket, dea simpan 1 untuk moi... Terima Kasih sayang... tiket tue sebagai hadiah birthday moi yang bakal tiba di hujung bulan 4 ni... huhu 

Sejujurnya konsert beliau memang best sangat... Teruja moi dengan suara dan gelagat serta cara beliau yang pandai melayan peminat beliau... huh, lagu yang beliau bawak lak memang cukup best ditambah pulak dengan vokal beliau yang beeesssttt sangat tue... konsert bermula pada pukul9 dan berakhir pada pukul10... walaupun sekejap tapi moi memang puas hati... 

Antara lagu yang beliau nyanyi masa konsert tue adalah Runaway, Count on me, Marry you, The lazy song, Grenade, Just the way you are, Liquor store blues, The other side, Nothin on you dan ada few lagi...

Beliau akan datang lagi buat konsert kat KL... harap dapat buat kat tempat yang besar sikit sebab PWTC tue cuma boleh muat 3000 orang jer... Apa pun moi rasa bertuah sebab dapat pergi konsert beliau...

Terima kasih... Love moi...
Bruno Mars Fans..

Thursday, March 24, 2011


kalau nak join jugak, klik kat SINI*

Atok! Atok! Assalamualaikum Atok... Boleh tak promote blog Moon yang huduh dan kekurangan kasih sayang ni... huhu kesiankan tengok blog Moon yang sunyi sepi macam kat padang pasir ni... huhu Lagipun Atok kan baik ( bodek-bodek sikit ) blog Moon bukan macam blog Atok... Ramai je orang melawat... hm macam kat hospital tue... Nanti atok bawak lah kawan-kawan Atok jalan-jalan kat sini taw... Okey tue je Moon nak tulis... Bubye...

xoxo MOON

Contest orang lidi berkata-kata


lama tak buat entry, tetiba je join contest...
contest ini dibuat oleh 3 gadis diatas tue... hehhe
Jum ah join sekali...
ha, tengok bawah ni, comel kan.. hehehe
kalau nak tahu moon masuk contest...
senang je kowt...
kalau nak join korang boleh kelik SINI

Moon dan BFF kesayangan Tutti Frutti

Moon lukis orang lidi walaupun tak nampak macam lidi sebab pakai baju... hehe yela kalau tak pakai baju nanti seksi lah... hehe Moon lukis sebab moon suka sangat TF ni... sangat-sangat memandangkan TF dekat dengan kolej so lagi gumbira lah hati moon... Moon taw lukisan TF tue tak macam lidi tapi tak tak kowt... hehehe sebab moon tengah rajin sangat nak buat....

3 kawan yang saya tag :

xoxo MOON

Saturday, March 19, 2011



Wow! memang interesting gile... huhu sebab moon pun suke gile kaler merah... hehehe baju merah, seliper pun nak kaler merah... hehehe memang moon peminat merah... warna yang sinonim dengan sifat garang, seksi dan berani tue... memandangkan moon mempunyai kulit yang agak lah cerah so bila pakai merah tue ngan sangat... hehehe merah ni bersifat bold @ menarik perhatian.. betul ke ? betul kan? heheh 

Ini adalah personaliti warna Merah -  Positif: Bersikap berani, jujur, berdisiplin dan tegas. Sangat aktif dan disenangi serta bersikap terbuka. Anda juga senang menjadi pusat perhatian orang lain kerana kadangkala anda ingin mencuba segala-galanya. Suka tersenyum dan suka memberi atau menerima kasih sayang orang lain. okey tue je ahh...


dahh follow da...


dalam proses pembikinan...



sudah siappp...!



nak g tinggalkan lah ni... *wink

okey, dah siap pun...

hehehe mintak-mintak lah moon menang... T_T

xoxo MOON cumilllsss

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Sengal Zone : Saya Sengal Zone VIP !

Assalamualaikum semua...

oleh kerana tak ade mood nak buat entry, moi buat satu entry khas untuk jadi VIP... perghh, VIP siott... tak pernah lagi dapat layanan VIP, nak jugak rasa en.. so moi nak join jugak lah... lagi pun tak ade syarat yang payah-payah pun... hehehe kalau sesape nak join boleh je kelik ^VIP* ni... dan mende ni tamat pukul 1.30petang kang... so jum ah join ramai-ramai....

Pendapat anda mengenai Video Blog ( Vlog) ?

Vlog, moi rasa vlog bagus supaya dapat kenal blogger dengan lebih tulen dan bukan tiruan/ hipokrit... maksudnyer personaliti mungkin berbeza... mungkin kat blog dea nampak macam tak cumils tapi dalam vlog, sweet sangat... lepas tue boleh dengar suara dan boleh tengok realnyer person.. contoh terdekat vlog sis yuyu yang cumils tue... hehhehe

okey tue je kan ?? done!
terima kasih kerana membaca..

xoxo amoi

Bunuh diri? Tahap mental anda sudah parah


Walaupun perempuan lebih ramai yang cuba membunuh diri berbanding lelaki, tetapi lelaki yang ramai mati kerana bunuh diri. Salah satu sebab yang membawa kepada fakta ini ialah lelaki mahukan penyelesaian yang pantas dan segera. Sebab itu lah bunuh diri menjadi cara yang begitu popular..

Bagi pembaca yang beragama Islam, ketahuilah kesalahan membunuh diri merupakan satu kesalahan yang terlalu besar. Orang yang membunuh dirinya akan diazab di akhirat kelak sebagaimana dia membunuh dirirnya.

Antara faktor bunuh diri yang kerap berlaku kepada lelaki :

  • Umur - keinginan membunuh diri sering berlaku pada usia 20-an dan kembali lagi apabila lelaki itu mencapai 60-an hingga 70-an.
  • Penganggur - kadar bunuh diri dilihat lebih banyak berlaku pada lelaki yang menganggur.
  • Anti-social - orang ynag membunuh diri lazimnya mempunyai kehidupan sosial yang menyedihkan.
  • Penyakit Merbahaya - sebaik saja mengetahui mereka menghidap penyakit merbahaya, mereka tisak mampu menerima takdir itu.
  • Tekanan akibat pekerjaan 

Tanda-tanda yang menyebabkan ingin bunuh diri :

  • sentiasa membayangkan @ menulis tentang kematian, bunuh diri @ ingin mencederakan diri sendiri.
  • sentiasa mencari cara untuk membunuh diri.
  • semangat sudah hilang sama sekali.
  • mudah panas baran, emosi tidak terkawal dan sentiasa ingin membalas demdam.
  • sering cuba melakukan aktiviti merbahaya tanpa mahu memikirkan risikonya terlebih dahulu.
  • Anda rasa seperti terperangkap dan tidak jumpa jalan keluar.
  • pengambilan dadah @ alkohol yang tidak terkawal.
  • sukar tidur dan mudah penat
  • perasaan mudah bertukar-tukar dalam sekelip mata.
  • terfikir bahawa tiada gunanya anda meneruskan hidup.

Dimana boleh dapatkan bantuan :

  • Allah SWT - kembalilah kepada-Nya dan mohonlah petunjuk-Nya.
  • Organisasi pakar kesihatan mental
  • Pusat komuniti kesihatan mental
  • Klinik pesakit luar
  • Agensi sosial
  • Kumpulan sosial
  • Program bantuan pekerja
  • Persatuan kemasyarakatan

xoxo amoi

Tip Cinta : Lelaki suka dan tak suka


Sebagai perempuan, bukan mudah untuk betul-betul mencuri hati lelaki. Walaupun dah ramai lelaki berfikiran terbuka, namun jauh disudut hati dorang tersembunyi perasaan suka mahupun tak pada sesetengah perangai kaum perempuan ni.. Yang penting , tip ni bukan je berguna dalam saat bercinta jer, tapi berguna hingga korang berumahtangga.

Jom kita check-it-out!

Lelaki suka :

  • sikap kelakar 
  • budi pekerti & kesopanan 
  • murah hati 
  • senyuman manja 
  • pandai masak 
  • pandai dalam mengenakan pakaian
  • tak mudah naik angin
  • 'takpelah, tadi u dah belanja i makan, sekarang i belanja u tengok wayang'
  • wanita yang dapat menjalinkan hubungan rapat dengan ibu/keluarganya
  • sentiasa berada disisinya saat duka dan gembira
  • sediakan secawan teh @ kopi tanpa disuruh
  • wanita yang mengambil berat tentang lelaki
  • pandai membawa diri dan tidak kekok di bawa ke mana-mana pun
  • boleh dibawa berbincang dan memberi pendapat
  • memberi sokongan moral 
  • tidak memperkecilkan kelemahan lelaki
             ( semua yang diatas ada dalam diri moi.. hikhikhik )

Lelaki tak suka :

  • wanita yang suka mengumpat
  • sombong dan bongkak
  • hisap rokok
  • wanita yang melayan lelaki seperti alas kaki
  • wanita yang hipokrit
  • pembohong dan suka mencari alasan
  • pengotor dan pemalas
  • tak bertanggungjawab langsung
  • terlalu bebas & kuat bersosial hinga tiada batasan pergaulan
  • boros berbelanja
  • queen control @ suka mengarah
  • panas baran
  • kuat merajuk & sukar dipujuk
  • kuat berleter pada benda yang remeh temeh
  • sikap manja yang menyakitkan hati
  • suka mengungkit hal-hal lalu
  • wanita yang menunjuk-nunjuk untuk mendapatkan perhatian.

so cam ne? lepas ni ape lagi.. pergi dapur lah, bukak semua buku resipi... hahhaha lepas tue, amik cermin practice senyuman paling manja tapi tak over... hahahha

selamat mencuba....

bukan cuba buat cam ni k... da kawen tak pe..

xoxo amoi

Quiz : Are YOU Materialistic?


okey, macam pelik je kan tapi betol lah ni.. hm, dapat idea selepas menjawab soalan abg BEN..hehehe So, let answer a few questions and find out what kind of materialistic are you.. wuhhoooo

Here the questions :

1. What's the best present to receive from your significant other to your birthday?

a. Jewellery or an expensive watch.
b. A cute t-shirt that i really like.
c. A poem telling me how much they love me.

2. You want an Ipod Touch but you can't afford it, so you....

a. badger Mum and Dad until they cave in and get it for you.
b. baby-sit or work part-time to save money for it.
c. get a cheap MP3 player instead-it's still usefull at the gym and on the bus.

3. What is your idea of budget-friendly shopping?

a. Anything from MNG, Zara or Topshop
b. I like checking out F.O.S or the Reject Shop
c. The pasar malam or flea market

4. The thing you envy most about your BFF is...

a. Her flashy, super-expensive wardrobe
b. Her supportive and loving family
c. Her overseas education-I studied locally

5. You lost your mobile phone and repalaced it with...

a. A latest Nokia phone or I-Phone 4
b. A cheaper one that's just as cool as the old one
c. a hand-me-down phone from sibling/friend

Check your answer :

Mostly A's : Material Girl
- your main concerns are when and how you're going to get yours hand on the coolest designer gear and latest gadgets. It's tike to take responsibility for your money. Daddy's money won't be paying for everything forever.

Mostly B's : Balance Budgeter
- You value family and friendsover material objects, and if there's a cheaper way to do something, you'll DO it. You love paying your way when it comes to shopping and going on holiday to the beach, because it means more to you to work for it.

Mostly C's Super Frugal
- You take pride in your ability to score great finds that cost almost nothing. You don't see the point of shelling out big bucks for materials thing, and prefer to recycle stuff rather than buy everything brand new. Thrift stores and garage sales are your thing.

heheh moi dah buat... moi seorang yang Balance Budgeter...
korang try lah yerr...

xoxo amoi



Memandangkan moi tak pernah lagi join ape-ape pun contest or segmen yang abg ben buat so untuk segmen ni moi nak join... hehehe sebab senang dan macam menarik jerr... tak sabor moi nak jawab soklan neh...ishhishh

  • Anda pernah jatuh cinta ? Apakah yang membuatkan anda jatuh cinta ? Kerana fizikal atau keperibadiannya ?
    Mestilah pernah... kalau dulu time budak-budak mestilah sebab hemsem tapi sekarang sebab keperibadian beliau... 20% untuk fizikal... 

  • Apakah anda jenis mengutamakan fizikal dalam memilih pasangan hidup ? Kenapa ?
    bukan keutamaan tapi diambil kira jugak lah... atleast mestilah sedap mata memandang... tapi mama moi punya syarat mesti kacak bergaya...

  • Bahagian fizikal manakah yang membuatkan anda tertarik ? Kenapa ?
    Mata... sebab dari mata kita boleh tahu dea ikhlas ke tak... cara dea pandang moi dengan pandang perempuan lain, berbeza...

  • Pendapat anda jika pasangan yang dah berkahwin mengatakan 'berisi tandanya bahagia' .. Apakah anda setuju ?
    setuju, hehehe sebab senang hati balik dari kerja, makanan dah siap, baju dah ada orang basuh, gosok/lipat.. (agaknyer lah) bosan-bosan ade orang teman.

  • Setujukah , lelaki kacak biasa kaki perempuan dan perempuan cantik pula materialistik ? Jelaskan pilihan jawapan anda ..
    Setuju.. dan tak dinafikan.. lelaki yang kacak bergaya mempunyai ramai perempuan tapi tak semua kowt sebab mungkin cuma kawan rapat... bagi perempuan pulak... hmm, setuju lah.. sebab yela dea cantik meletup-letup.. apa yang dea nak kompom laki tue bagi jer en.. konon nak jaga hati... kalau tak nanti majok pastu break... tapi sesetengah je kowt..

  • Beri contoh LELAKI IDAMAN ( bagi perempuan ) dan PEREMPUAN IDAMAN ( bagi lelaki ) ... Sila jelaskan pilihan anda .. kenapa anda pilih 'si dia '  ..
    contoh lelaki idaman?
    fahrin ahmad yang gagah perkasa dan ashraf muslim @ ustaz amirul.. hehe
    - mestilah nak yang pandai dunia akhirat.
    - ada pekerjaan tetap.
    - kedudukan wang yang stabil.
    - penyabar.
    - penyayang.
    - bertanggungjawab.
    - boleh mendidik moi.
    - em, banyak sangat lah nak listkan

  • Apakah anda berpuashati dengan fizikal pasangan anda sekarang ?
    mestilah sangat berpuashati...

  • Apakah anda berpuashati dengan fizikal anda sendiri ?
    boleh lah... tapi sekarang da gemuk sikit.. T_T

  • Perlukah seseorang wanita / lelaki itu menjaga tubuh badan kerana kehendak pasangannya ?
    hm, kalau itu satu kebaikan untuk pasangannya jugak, boleh lah...

  • Zaman sekarang ini , terlalu banyak produk menguruskan badan ... Apakah anda rasa ianya benar benar mujarab ? Ada bukti ? heheh..
    tak tahu sebab tak pernah cuba... mungkin mujarab tapi makan masa yang lama dan banyak risiko...

  • okey! dah siap...

    terima kasih pada yang sudi baca.

    xoxo amoi

    Wednesday, March 16, 2011

    Tips : Formula to making decisions.


    hello guysss... Making decision can be tough.. We've all had those moments where it takes us ages to decide on an outfit or what to eat or lunch. But when it comes to the heavy stuff, it's important to go with the options that are the best for you. It's not easy, but these are ways to help u'll choose wisely.

    Why Is Making My Own Decisions Important ??

    • Control - it empowers you to take charge. If you allow others to make decisions for you, you're giving them control and letting them run your life.
    • Consequences - You will be more prepared for the consequences, whatever they are, and you'll never be the victim of someone else's actions.
    • Respect - Being able to take charge of your own life will earn you the respect of others. In turn, it makes it easier for them to take responsibility for their own decisions.
    Points to Remember
    • Trust your instincts
    • Be creative
    • Get options
    • Don't worry

    So, now we can made right decisions... 

    xoxo amoi

    Movie : World Invasion - Battle Los Angeles


    baru balik dari makan tomyam ni.. masih ada lagi rasa-rasa yam dea towh... hehehe selain dari dapat purse baru  untuk mengantikan purse hilang tue;'( moi dapat jugak TF dan jugak ayam crispy... hari ni mud nak makan je lah... adoi...

    moi jugak tengok movie... World Invasion - Battle Los Angeles... cerita dea okey lah... cerita pasal 1 dunia tengah berperang tapi fokus kat Los Angeles je lah kan... perang pulak bukan dengan manusia jugak tapi dengan alien wooo... dasatttt! hahaha selebihnyer korang pergi lah tengok sendiri k... bagi moi best lah... boleh bagi 8 dari 10markah... heheh

    Friday, March 11, 2011

    Set burger paling kecil di dunia... comel sangat...


    macam mainan jerr...



    alahai, comel betul kan? hahaha kalau lah wujud kedai yang jual makanan segera macam ni... rasa sayang nak makan... huhu tapi kalau makan pun tak kan kenyangkan.. pape pun memang unik lah...

    xoxo amoi

    Wednesday, March 09, 2011

    BM !! i lovee youu.... aww

    Assalamualaikum.... (walaupun xcited, salam kene bagi )

    wanna know something hott, something unbelievable?
    jeng..jeng..jeng.... cukup suspen tak? hehehe

    bukan pasal Justin Bierber lah...

    ni pasal BRUNO MARS... aaahhhhhhh screaming loud coz he will come Malaysia on april 10, 2011.... aaaahhhhhh again... and the concert will be located at PWTC... uhhhhh awesome dude....

    moi terlalu xcited sambil mandi pun teringat BM... tak sabarnye nak tengok dea datang Malaysia... ahhhhh laki kuh.. mi tak nak tiket Justin Bierber.... mi nak BRUNO MARS ... ohhh please-please-please .... nak tiket dea so bad... ;'(

    kacak lagi bergaya

    xoxo amoi

    Nak cakap pasal KALAU....


    setelah sekian lamanye moi menyepi, akhirnye moi muncul kembali setelah tenet dirumah sudah dipulihkan oleh abang tm pagi tahu... adoi, malu plak bile teringat... kul 10, baru bangun nak mandi... ingat brader tadi dah blah, dengan selambe keluar bilik pakai boxer... alih-alih, dea ada kat tepi bilik jer... berlari moi masuk toilet... hahaha dengan muka tak basuhnyerr... apa-apa je lah.. janji exam boleh buat... ;p haha

    okey-okey, berbalik pada tajuk entry ni... kalau eh?... kalau nak cerita pasa; KALAU, lembu pun boleh terbang kan... tapi sekarang ni moi nak cerita tentang kalau... kalau ehh... hurmm

    kalau lah moi orang kaya trilionair, moi nak beli ape??

    moi nak suruh orang buat rumah yang ada 15 bilik, 8 tandas, 1 library, 1 wardrobe khas moi punye dan macam-macam lah sampai jadi banglo bertaraf 10 bintang... pasal kereta pulak... pertamanyer mesti lah kereta famili - limousine hummer , lamborghini SUV, nissan cube pastu kereta amoi - mini cooper & volkswagen beetle, selain tue lamborghini, ferrari 360 limo, megah disebalik garage kaca kalis semua benda... hahahha

    oleh kerana terlalu kaya, moi juga akan mewujudkan 1 bilik handbags dan kasot dan handbags dan kasot lagi supaya moi dapat tukar kasut bile-bile masa jer... hahaha.. macam ni kene hire 10 orang gaji...

    moi jugak nak buat bisnes... nak buka butik moi sendiri... under label 'the.LiCiOUS'... wahh, moi dah terbayang-bayang nama moi di dalam magazine dengan baju-baju rekaan moi... kasut ngan handbag gak... ahh, seronoknyer... rasa macam paris hilton dah... tak pun macam kimora lee simmon... I'm fabulous... uhh ( dengan nada paling gedikss )

    tapi kan, moi bukan seorang awex yang kejams... moi ni seorang yang pemurah dan baik hati... huhu moi akan tubuhkan 1 yayasan untuk anak yatim... dan semuanyer ditanggung beres oleh moi.... ha! baik kan... selepas itu, setiap dari hasil jualan baju-baju moi, rm1 akan di deduct dan di derma pada yayasan yang memerlukan...

    huhh, penat lah.... asyik cerita kalau jerrr... kalau macam tue, sampai esok pun tak abis moi nak cerita... huhuhu pape pun, moi suke lah ayat kalau ni... boleh berangan sket... kalau lah aku yang kahwin dengan Putera Henry nanti... bestnyerrr.... lalalala

    moi yang periang, manja lagi menawan mengucapkan terima kasih KALAU korang bace.... ;p

    xoxo amoi

    Thursday, February 24, 2011

    Atok bagi tips lah....


    Mula-mula sekali moi nak cakap banyak-banyak terima kasih kat atok sebab baca entry amoi dan seterusnye memberi jawapan/ tips tok amoi dan mereka-meraka yang senasib dengan moi.... Banyak gak la tips-tips atok bagi....hahahaha tak sangke lak atok singgah jugak kat blog moi yang tak meriah ni... alahai sedihnyerr... kalau nak tengok-tengok blog atok, kelik SINI.

    Tips-tips tue moi akan gunakan untuk mempromosi blog moi ni.... yang fesbuk tue moi belum buat lagi tapi sekarang tengah biasakan diri unuk menaip full without singkatan.... tapi kadang-kadang kantoi gak.... hahahha tapi bagus la sebab moi kalau exam pun terpakai bahasa 'sms' moi.... kalau moi tulis mesti lambat sket korang nak paham... semuanye pengaruh dari kawan-kawan... hahhah tapi moi tak taip cam minah yang klon fesbuk sis yuyu tue eh... hahahha yang tue moi pun susah nak bace... huhhuhu pelik-pelik je moi tengok budak-budak sekolah sekarang ni... risau bile nanti dorang tak tahu nak eja perkataan yang sebenarnyer... hah, nanti macam mana nak jawab exam... kalau boleh main ringkas-ringkas tak pe la gak kan... hmmm

    pape pun, nanti moi masukkan fesbuk moi kat cni... huhuhu ta pun moi bagi link dulu... tolong like yerr... Amoilicious the blabla story  

    terima kasih kerana sudi baca...

    xoxo amoi

    Wednesday, February 23, 2011

    Shah Alam oh Shah Alam

    Nak kongsi cerita ni dengan sesape yang singgah kat blog moi... mungkin ramai da bace tapi moi baru je bace tadi... hm, cerita yang seram, sedih dan kelakar... mengisahkan 8sahabat yang terpakse mengharungi malam-malam yang menyeramkan... kalau korang nak tahu lebih dan banyak lagi cerita-cerita seram, boleh la klik di SINI

    Rumah seram seksyen 2 shah alam

    9 tahun lepas aku dpt smbung bljar kt uitm shah alam. So,perkara pertama yg kna fikir ialah ak nk duk mn sbb ak xdpt hostel. Oleh sbb kerajinan & keperihatinan yg ada kt aku n kwn2,maka dpt le ak ngn kwn2 ak umah sewa.....dekat2 area seksyen 2. Berhampiran ngan wet world [kalo korang tau la].

    Uma tu bunglow 2 tingkat ngan 4 bilik. 3 bilik kt atas n 1 bilik kt bwh. Kitorg semua berlapan,kiranya 2 org utk 1 blk la. Aku ringkaskan je la,kitorg msuk uma tu ngan perasaan berbelah bahagi. best, suke, pelik, rimas, takut semua ada.

    Pertama,tuan umah hanya amik rm50 je sbg deposit n sewa prtama hanya byr bile msuk bln kedua kami duduk uma tu. Kiranya bln prtama ni free la....[?]
    Kedua,tuan umah x bg kitorg bwk brg bnyk2 sbb nnt pnat nk angkat blk katanya...
    Ketiga,pokok ara tepi umah tu bsr sgt smpai dahan dia bleh msuk kt tingkap blk atas.

    Mlm pertama duk uma tu kitorg xtido sbb sibuk punggah n kemas brg+lyan dvd korea. Citer seramnya start ms hari kedua. xpayah nk tunggu mlm,siang2 pon kitorg da kna kacau. Azmi "dagu" org first kena.

    Ms tu br kol 10.30pg [anggaran ak la], si Azmi ni bgun nk memerut. So dia g la toilet bwh tu tp dlm toilet ada org [sbb pintu tutup]. Toilet atas plak rosak, tuan umah kta nnt dia btulkan. Tunggu punye tunggu, xkuar-kuar org dlm tandas ni. Jd Azmi ni memekik la soh cpt sket kuar sbb dia xtahan. Akibat jeritan c azmi ni, abis satu umah bgun gi tengok peehal. Yg peliknya, kitorg berlapan smua ada, abih tu sape yg kt dlm tandas ni? Pintu toilet lak berkunci siap ada bunyi org flush jamban lg.... Dlm reramai ni,Lan sorg je yg berani sket [mgkin psl dia ni keturunan bugis kot], dia g rentap pintu toilet tu smpai trbukak. Xde org tp dr kesan yg ad,pintu tu mmg dikunci dr dlm. Last2 si azmi xjdk berak...mngkin psl takut kot.

    Mlm tu kitorg kna lg teruk.

    Ms ak nyenyak tdo mlm tu tetiba jek ad org tarik dua2 belah kaki ak sampai jatuh dr katil. Kepala ak terhentak dulu kt lantai!! Ape lg,hangin la aku sbb ingat bdk2 nk wt pedajal kt ak tp bl ak bangun xde org plak. Yg ad cume c Lan yg ngah membuta kt katil atas. Ak x rs Lan yg buat sbb confirm dia tdo mati. Bl ak kuar bilik, ak dgr bdk2 ngah ketawe. Rupenya diorg ngah layan dvd kt hall bwh. Ak pon msuk blk balik sbb still bingung lg tp br ak terperasan ms ak ngah jengah kebawah td ak perasan Lan ada!! Bukan ke td ak nmpk dia ngah membute dlm bilik? Ahh suda...
    Dgn perasaan berani2 takut ak tgok atas katil Lan ada bonjol bwh selimut,kiranya mcm ad org la. Ak tarik kain selimut tu n guess what? ad batu nisan yg da retak2 dn otomatiknya blk ak diselubungi bau hapak+hanyir yg sgt2 kuat.

    Ms ni korg jgn tnya ak la ape ak buat sbb kalo menda ni jdk kt korg pon xkan korg nk stay lg dlm blk tu btol x? Ak rs kaki ak da x jejak tanah da sbb lari laju sgt. Ak lari kuar dr bilik tu & g ke hall sbb nk gtau member2 ak la kononnya tp yg mcm haram jadahnya member ak sorg pon da xde kt hall. Nk tau diorg kt ner? semua da duduk kt luar umah!! Rupanya diorg awal2 lg da kna kacau. Yg lakhanat nye, xde sorg pon kejutkan ak....taik betol diorg ni.

    Lepas diorg tenangkan ak, kitorg decide nk buat ape skang sbb skang ni da pkul 3 pg. Nk mtk tlg tok imam,umah tok imam pon kitorg xtau. Nk mtk tlg jiran, kiri kanan umah kitorg cina. Last2 salleh ajk lepak restoran hakim jek smpai pg. Bunyinya mcm senang tp memasing semua xpakai baju pastu pakai boxer ngan kain pelikat jek. Mau x mau trpaksalah jgk kitorg msuk uma tu balik sbb nk amik suar, wallet n kunci motor.
    Oleh sbb bilik c Bob ngan Naim je yg kt bwh, maka kitorg decide le nk pinjam baju n suar dia. Masing2 tkut nk naik tingkat atas. Wallet pn ak tinggal. Masing2 pakat gn duit naim lu. Nasib baik kunci motor kitorg sangkut kt dinding [tmp penyangkut]. Ms nk kuar dr rumah tu, Wak plak perasan ad bdk pompuan kt pintu dapur ngah senyum sambil babai tgn kt dia. Yg ak plak bole trperasan bdk tu jgk sbb ak tgk muka wak da kejung+pucat lesi. Sekali bdk tu senyum rs mcm nk trkincit dlm suar la... Kepala lutut ak menggigil sampai kt restoran hakim!!!!

    Lepas smp kt restoran hakim tu,memasing sibuk buka cerita trmasuk ngan ak skali la. Memula Wak cerita la,mlm tu lebih kurang kol 12 lebih,dia sibuk download lagu tetiba ad bunyi mcm org baling batu kt tingkap bilik dia. Bl dia jengah,dia nmpk ad sorang pompuan duk kt atas pokok kayu ara sblh umah tu,pakai bju putih + kekuningan+ koyak2+ rambut panjang. Yg sadisnya,pompuan huduh tu boleh senyum kt dia plak. Wak ni ape lg tutup tingkap bilik dia n terus nk kuar g bilik ak la kononnya. Malangnye, lg sekor plak hantu duk kt dpn pintu bilik dia tp kali ni antu budak. So dia amik keputusan terjun dr tingkap bilik dia ke bawah. Akibatnya, kaki dia terkehel. Nasib baik jek xpatah.

    Azmi "dagu" plak cter la yg dia nmpk ad bdk pompuan babai tgn kt dia[yg ni, ak pon kna gak ok]. Ak confirm yg bdk ni bkn manusia sbb ak tgk kaki dia xde!! Sam plak cter dia nmpk hantu tu kt siling umah! Bile buka mate jek, antu tu bebetol "eye to eye" ngan dia. Kiranya memasing semua kena kacau la ni. Dan ak org yg last cerita.

    Ak ckp la yg ak kna tarik dua2 kaki ms tido smp kepala ak terhentak kt lantai. Pastu ak ckp le yg ak nmpk diorg ngah layan dvd kt hall tp c Azmi tetiba nyampuk "bile ms plak kitorg tgk dvd ni?". Rerupanya xde sorg pon yg tgk dvd pg tu!! Dah tu, sape yg ak nmpk? haru betol.....kaki aku yg dr td menggigil makin brtambah kuat menggigil.

    Ngah sibuk2 berborak,aku terbau sesuatu yg kurang enak. member2 ak yg lain pon bau gak. Rupanya si Azmi ni td da terkencing dlm suar sbb takut sgt. Nasib baik mlm tu xramai sgt org kt Restoran Hakim tu. Malu betol. Ak plak bleh ternampak si Sam pakai selipar sebelah lain. Dr sibuk2 cter seram terus jdk cter klakar plak.

    Tengah sibuk2 ketawe, br kitorg perasan yg si Salleh ngan Naim xde ngan kitorg. Yg ad cume kami berenam. Ak, Azmi dagu, Sam banjar,Wak, Bob ngan Lan. Dlm ramai2 tu cuma Bob sorg jek yg bwk hp, so kitorg try call Naim tp xde org angkat. try call Salleh plak, sama gak xde org angkat. Pastu Lan amik hp Bob tu, dia bc apa ntah agaknye pastu dia soh Bob call naim lg skali. Bob call n bukak loud speaker. Korang tau ape jd? ad suare pompuan ngilai. Gila2 punye ngilai la sampai meremang bulu roma aku. Kami berenam terus terdiam. Last2 kitorg sepakat akan tunggu smpai pg esok br blk umah tu semula n cari Naim ngan Salleh. Lepas dgr suare pompuan ngilai kt hp tu, xde sorang pon antara kitorg brckp....smp subuh!!

    Pukul 7.30pg br kitorg blah dr Hakim. Hati ak masih lg kuat berdebar-debar.Yg lelain ak xtau la. Smp kt dpn umah, ak tgk pintu umah ngan gate da trbukak seluas-luas nye. Ni kalo pencurik masuk ni, memang dia kaye sbb laptop,wallet ngan hp kitorg semua tinggal camtu aje. Bulu tengkuk aku masih lg meremang.Xde sape berani msk umah tu dulu...Aku ingat, ada la 20-30 minit kitorg duk tercanggak kt dpn umah sbb xde sape berani masuk. Ntah camne agaknye hp Bob berbunyi. Hati aku da x sedap. Jgn la kate antu tu call kitorg soh msuk umah. Lan yg angkat. Sebenarnya dlm reramai geng ak ni, Lan la yg paling berani tp kekadang dia jd penakut jgk la. Pihak hospital call, katanya Naim ad kt wad emergency hospital klang. Eksiden katanya. Pihak hospital kata, ada miss call dr no.hp Bob ni, tu yg dia call no.hp Bob ni...ooo00 br ak phm. Yg peliknya Naim eksiden?

    Memasing da serba salah jadinya. Bingung pon iye jgk. Xtau samada nk melawat Naim kt hospital klang or cari Salleh yg hilang. Akhirnya kitorg call tuan rmh utk tgk ape yg patut. Ak ngan Sam plak g hospital klang tgk keadaan naim cmne. Kalo mmg tenat sgt, ak inform yg lelain soh dtg la. Yg lain ak soh cari salleh kt keliling umah, takut2 dia kna sorok. Kami masing2 tawakal aje. Ms otw g hspital klang ni, ak xtau la c sam pecut smpai berape tp hati ak masih lg kuat ckp yg hal ni x abis lg.

    Smp hospital,aku terus cr Naim. Sebak betol hati ak tgk Naim serius parah. Kaki dia teruk. Doktor kata kena lenyek ngn keta or something else la. Kes dia ni langgar lari. Naluri ak kuat ckp yg umor Naim ni x panjang sbb darah bnyk gile kuar. Sam plak xsanggup tengok, air mata dia da berjurai-jurai cam air terjun. Doktor pon ckp yg dia ni da nyawa2 ikan,xdpt nk tlg bnyk. Ak duduk kt tepi Naim, dia bole brckp lg tp sangkut2. Dia mntk maap sbb buatkan kitorg jdk susah. Berulang-ulang kali dia mntk maap tp ak msh lg xdpt tangkap ape yg dia ckp ni. Akhirnya dia meninggal gak...Ak gagahkan hati ak tepon kengkawan lain gtau psl Naim da meninggal. Ak tgk Sam da trduduk kt tepi balkoni ngan mata merah sbb nangis bnyk sgt. X lama pastu parrents Naim dtg. Ak x sanggup nk tunggu lg n ajak sam balik shah alam.

    Smpai kt umah, ak tgk ramai gler org ngah cari salleh tp xjumpe. Abis satu umah dia geledah. Lastly,ad org tua kt situ mntk tlg ngan sorang ustaz. Ak tak ingt pe name ustaz tu tp lepas asar br kitorg jumpe salleh duduk kt atas busut blkg umah. Yg herannya, da 5,6 kali org cari tp xde plak jumpe dia kt situ. x kisah la janji jumpe balik salleh ni. Kitorg pnye la suke jumpe c salleh ni blk. Memasing amik keputusan pindah dr umah tu haritu jgk. Kebetulan plak kt sek7 [pintu blkang uitm] ad satu umah utk disewa, kitorg pindah situ la. Brg2 naim kitorg angkut skali. Terus terang ak ckp, mmg ak hangin gile tgk muke tuan umah sbb xgtau yg umah ni "keras".ptut la dia soh byr rm50 jek dl pastu xbg bwk brg bnyk2. Chisss......

    Aku demam 3 hari.

    Jenazah naim selamat dikebumikan kt Raub,Pahang.

    Seminggu lepas tu,keadaan da ok sket cume salleh jek yg sakit2 bdn. Akhirnya mulut ak trgerak nk tny salleh pe yg brlaku sbnrnye sbb sblm naim meninggal tu dia ada ckp kt aku soh tnya salleh satu rahsia. Rupenya ms hari 1st day kitorg msuk umah tu, Naim ngn salleh da wt hal. Dia g cangkulnya busut kt blkg umah tu. C naim plak boleh kuis2 ngan kaki dia. Mgkin psl tu la kaki dia eksiden kot [dlm hati aku la]. Pastu salleh cter la,kn ada mlm yg kitorg satu uma kna kacau tu dia ngn naim pon kna gak. Tp antu tu siap kejar diorg lg smp kt jln. Diorg punya la cuak smp lari ke tengah jln. Ntah mn dtgnya keta tetiba da hentam diorg. naim trcmpak kt tgh jln, yg dia plak kt tepi. Dtg keta lain terus lenyek kaki naim. Pastu,salleh kata dia terus xsedar pape smpailah kitorg jmpe dia atas busut tu. Yg peliknya,cmne dia boleh duk kt atas busut sedangkan dia kata dia da lari kt tgh jln bsr? Nape naim sorg yg kna teruk sgt tp salleh x?

    Akhirnya ak dpt jawapan sbnr. X lama lpas salleh cter ngn ak, dia jatuh sakit. Xtau la sakit pe tp 3 bln pastu dia meninggal. Famili dia sndiri bingung sbb doktor pon xtau sakit c salleh. Tp ak yakin, kes ni ada kaitan ngn busut yg diorg gi gali tu. Ak ngan geng2 ak yg lain smpat ziarah arwah salleh. Paling xbole tahan Bob sbb dia roomate ngan Naim. Mmg ak tau dia sedih sgt......Yg xbole ak lupe, kitorg semua nangis masa angkat jenazah salleh. Rs sedih sgt ms tu..

    Aku, Azmi dagu, Sam banjar,Wak, Bob ngan Lan, semua skali slmt abiskan pgajian kt uitm ni. Buat naim ngn salleh, kitorg tetap akn ingat ko smp

    Ops..Umah bunglow kt seksyen 2 tu smp skang ad lg [agaknye]. Tiap kali ak lalu kt area situ mst ak rs sedih sgt. Lg satu,ms hari last kitorg kt umah tu si Wak da trtinggal hp dia kt bilik atas. So pada sesape yg berani, boleh la amik hp tu tp itupun kalo korang berani 3310

    Read more: Rumah seram seksyen 2 shah alam

    Tuesday, February 22, 2011

    Oh M G ! vintage...

    ade sesape minat vintage jugak tak?? cam moi yang tengah minat sesangat kat fesyen vintage or melayu nyer vintaj.... haahahaha bak kata future laki moi, OL yang bermaksud orang lama... hehe moi sangat-sangat suke dengan fesyen ni because unik dan classic... cantik dan comel... cam moi kan3... ;p

    Fesyen vintage ni tak terhad kepada gadis-gadis freehair jer tapi yang bertudung pun boleh jugak.... lagipun da banyak moi tengok gadis-gadis bertudung neh pakai... memang cantik.... dan yang penting masih menutup aurat.... wah, cam tak caye moi cakap cam tue... moi pun tak buat pape yang moi tulis tue... huhu

    okey, berbalik pada tajuk tadi yee... vintage ni satu fesyan yang akan terus wujud tau... sebab pakaian vintage ni bukan jenis ketat-ketat ke... seksi-seksi yang melampau ke.... kebanyakkannye pun adalah dress paras lutut, skirt high waist yang biasanyer labuh sampai bawah lutut, blazer yang buat fesyan tue nampak smart lagi.... seluar high waist... aksesori yang diperlukan biasanyer tali pinggang yang kecil ( tak lebar ), long necklace, kasut loafer, bag yang jenis cam petak/kotak ( tak tahu la name die pe... )

    Hmm, kalau ditanya moi susah ke tak nak cari item-item tue... jawapannyer memang susah... nak cari skirt dengan blazer paling susah.... moi beli item-item tue pun secara online kat blog... tapi sekarang da senang sikit sebab kebanyakkan seller tue da jadi kawan moi... so pape hal yang moi nak tanya jer dorang.... blazer pun dah bersepah kat uma neh... favourite blazer adalah color pink.... bak kata some one kat fesbuk, gadis bercoat pink.... suke sangat ayat tue.... cam boleh pergi jauh jerr...huhu

    so , bagi sape yang minat vintage jugak, bole la kongsi-kongsi cerita dengan moi.... boleh sharing-sharing information sikit... kan3 ;p hehe pape pun moi excited nak pergi kolej dengan fesyen vintage.... mesti dorang tengok moi atas bawah atas bawah kan... haha biarlah, bukan dorang tahu pun kalau moi cerita... at least moi tahu kalau moi ni memang menarikk... ( huh, perasan ke? tak la.. moi memang menarik pun.. ) hahahaha

    Saturday, February 19, 2011

    thank you atok...

    wahh, its was so easy lha wehh... now aku da join bloglist atok ensem... hahahahaha thanks yer atok... ah, bertuah kan2... so kalau korang berminat, g kat entry aku kat bawah neh... cepat2, atok 2 nak 50 cucu jer... hehehehe

    Thursday, February 17, 2011

    Marilyn Monroe - My idol

    ini komen when people watch her video :

       "She is just unique... she has everything... and icon. A superstar.. an age that will not come back, that is it."

    "Marilyn Monroe was pure movie magic, a very rare quality that few actresses from yesterday & today possess. The camera loved her, the american public loved her & even her detractors (friendnemies) couldn't do anything but stand the fuck out of the way & let this beautiful creature sparkle! It didn't hurt that she was very talented."
    "I can't believe how beautiful this woman is."

    "Marilyn was a REAL woman. She didn't have that awful skinny look models have nowadays. She was curved and sexy with brains. And I am a woman who says so. It's a shame those ugly Kennedy-brothers used her only for their sexgames. She deserved so much better in this world..."

    okey, ni komen ttg dea... tak ade 1 pun komen yang tak suke kan dea... yes, she is beautiful and classic... at the first time i saw her face, i think she must had a great story... and then i search about her... found out that she dies in age only 36... wish dpt jumpe dea live... kan best kalau dea maseh hidup... oh! marilyn....

    Biography for

    Marilyn Monroe

    Marilyn Monroe's career as an actress spanned 16 years. She made 29 films, 24 in the first 8 years of her career.Born as Norma Jeane Mortenson on June 1, 1926 in Los Angeles General Hospital, her mother, Gladys, listed the fathers address as unknown. Marilyn would never know the true identity of her father.Due to her mother's mental instability and the fact that she was unmarried at the time, Norma Jeane was placed in the foster home of Albert and Ida Bolender. It was here she lived the first 7 years of her life."They were terribly strict...they didn't mean any was their religion. They brought me up harshly."In 1933, Norma Jeane lived briefly with her mother. Gladys begin to show signs of mental depression and in 1934 was admitted to a rest home in Santa Monica. Grace McKee, a close friend of her mother took over the care of Norma Jeane. "Grace loved and adored her", recalled one of her co-workers. Grace, telling her..."Don't worry, Norma Jeane. You're going to be a beautiful girl when you get important woman, a movie star." Grace was captivated by Jean Harlow, a superstar of the twenties, and Marilyn would later say..."and so Jean Harlow was my idol." Grace was to marry in 1935 and due to financial difficulties, Norma Jeane was placed in an orphanage from September 1935 to June 1937. Grace frequently visited her, taking her to the movies, buying clothes and teaching her how to apply makeup at her young age. Norma Jeane was to later live with several of Grace's relatives.
    "The world around me then was kind of grim. I had to learn to pretend in order to...I don't know...block the grimness. The whole world seemed sort of closed to me...(I felt) on the outside of everything, and all I could do was to dream up any kind of pretend-game."
    In September 1941 Norma Jeane was again living with Grace when she met Jim Dougherty, 5 years her senior. Grace encouraged the relationship and on learning that she and her husband would be moving to the East Coast, set in motion plans for Norma Jeane to marry Dougherty on June 19, 1942.
    "Grace McKee arranged the marriage for me, I never had a choice. There's not much to say about it. They couldn't support me, and they had to work out something. And so I got married."
    Dougherty joined the Merchant Marines in 1943 and in 1944 was sent overseas. Norma Jeane, while working in a factory inspecting parachutes in 1944, was photographed by the Army as a promotion to show women on the assembly line contributing to the war effort. One of the photographers, David Conover, asked to take further pictures of her. By spring of 1945, she was quickly becoming known as a "photographers dream" and had appeared on 33 covers of national magazines.
    In the fall of 1946 she was granted a divorce...later saying, "My marriage didn't make me sad, but it didn't make me happy either. My husband and I hardly spoke to each other. This wasn't because we were angry. We had nothing to say. I was dying of boredom."
    On July 23, 1946 she signed a contract with Twentieth Century-Fox Studios. She selected her mother's family name of Monroe. From this point on she would be known as Marilyn Monroe to all her fans. She had a minor part in the movie "Scudda-Hoo! Scudda-Hay! and was dismissed as a contract player in August. Rehired in 1948, Marilyn sang here first song in the movie "Ladies of the Chorus".
    Johnny Hyde, of the William Morris Agency, became her mentor and lover in 1949. Also, in 1949, Marilyn agreed to pose nude for a calendar. A fact that was to stir controversy later in her career as a superstar.
    "Hollywood is a place where they'll pay you a thousand dollars for a kiss and fifty cents for your soul"
    Her first serious acting job came in 1950 when she had a small but crucial role in "The Asphalt Jungle" and received favorable reviews. "Clash By Night" in 1952 earned her several favorable notices...Alton Cook of the New York World-Telegram and Sun wrote..."a forceful actress, a gifted new star, worthy of all that fantastic press agentry. Her role here is not very big, but she makes it dominant." Monroe's first leading part in a serious feature was to be in "Don't Bother to Knock", also filmed in 1952.
    Marilyn met Joe DiMaggio in early 1952, she was 25 and he was 37. DiMaggio, recently retired from baseball, had expressed a desire to meet this famous star. By February the romance was in full bloom.

    "I was surprized to be so crazy about Joe. I expected a flashy New York sports type, and instead I met this reserved guy who didn't make a pass at me right away! He treated me like something special. Joe is a very decent man, and he makes other people feel decent, too!"

    In 1952 Marilyn began filming "Niagara" with Joseph Cotten...a film that was to establish her stardom. After her next big film, "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes", she and Jane Russell signed their names and placed their hands and feet in the wet cement in front of the Chinese Theatre on Hollywood Boulevard...the same place she had visited with Gladys and Grace years earlier as a child.

    "I want to be a big star more than anything. It's something precious"

    Fox suspended Marilyn in 1954 for failure to appear on the set of "Pink Tights". The studio had refused to let her look at the script prior to accepting the part. She felt that due to her star status, she should have the right to script approval.
    On January 14 Joe and Marilyn were married. The wedding captured the headlines worldwide. Joe was an extremely jealous type of guy and resented her popularity among other men. He desired a housewife, not a star of such magnitude...the marriage was in trouble from the beginning.

    "I didn't want to give up my career, and that's what Joe wanted me to do most of all."

    She was asked to go on a USO tour of Korea in February to entertain the troops, beginning on the 16th for four days. She entertained over 60,000 soldiers, many who had never seen a Monroe film...having been in the service during her rise to stardom... most had seen still photos of her in many magazines and newspapers. She was a huge success. Joe did not accompany her on this trip...explaining, "Joe hates crowds and glamour."

    "...standing in the snowfall facing these yelling soldiers, I felt for the first time in my life no fear of anything, I felt only happy."

    On May 29, Marilyn began filming "There's No Business Like Show Business". Throughout the summer she was ill with bronchitis and anemia. For the first time, Marilyn began showing serious side-effects of the many sleeping pills she had been taking for the last few years...often groggy, lethargic and crying on the set.
    The famous "skirt blowing" scene from the "Seven Year Itch" , filmed in 1954 was to be a hit with both amateur and professional photographers. Several hundred, along with 2000 spectators gathered outside the Trans-Lux Theater in New York City in the early morning hours of September 15th to see and record her as she posed for over two hours for her adoring fans.
    In the fall of 1954 Marilyn and Joe separated...later to divorce. On October 6, Jerry Giesler made a press announcement and stated " her attorney, I am speaking for her and can only say that the conflict of careers has brought about this regrettable necessity." With the press hounding her, Marilyn answered in a choked voice, "I can't say anything today. I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

    "When I married him (Joe), I wasn't sure of why I married him, I have too many fantasies to be a housewife."

    In early 1955 Marilyn again returned to New York and joined the Actors Studio, in pursuit of becoming a serious actress. There she met Lee Strasberg, head of the Studio and drama coach. Mr. Strasberg and his family would play an important role in her life.

    She was to renew her acquaintance with Arthur Miller and have an affair with him before their marriage over a year later. To Marilyn, Miller represented the serious theater and an intellect that she found attractive. To Miller, years later...
    "It was wonderful to be around her, she was simply overwhelming. She had so much promise. It seemed to me that she could really be a great kind of phenomenon, a terrific artist. She was endlessly fascinating, full of original observations...there wasn't a conventional bone in her body."
    Marilyn returned to Hollywood in February 1956, after over a years absence, to film "Bus Stop". After completing the film she returned to New York in June. Miller also returned to New York after obtaining a divorce in Reno, Nevada. They where married June 29 in White Plains, NY.
    The Millers departed for London soon after their marriage so that Marilyn could start production on "The Prince and the Showgirl" with Lawrence Olivier. As early as July, Arthur began to have doubts about the marriage. Sidney Skolsky remarked that..."Miller looked on Marilyn strictly as an ideal and was shocked to discover that she is a human being, a person, even as you and I and maybe Miller."
    "Bus Stop" opened in London in October 1956. A Times review said..."Miss Monroe is a talented comedienne, and her sense of timing never forsake her. She gives a complete portrait, sensitively and sometimes even brilliantly conceived. There is about her a waif-life quality, an underlying note of pathos which can be strangely moving."
    "It's not that I object to doing musicals and fact, I rather enjoy them...but I'd like to do dramatic parts too."

    Marilyn Monroe did not return to Hollywood until 1958 to make "Some Like It Hot" with Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis. Her health continued to deteriorate due to increased dependency on drugs and involvement in an unhappy marriage. She often came to the set late and was unable to remember her lines. Director, Billy Wilder later said..."Anyone can remember lines, but it takes a real artist to come on the set and not know her lines and yet give the performance she did." Her next film "Let's Make Love" proved to be an unremarkable film with much publicity over her brief affair with co-star Yves Montand.
    "I am invariably late for appointments...sometimes, as much as two hours. I've tried to change my ways but the things that make me late are too strong, and too pleasing."
    Early in 1960, Marilyn was consulting with Dr. Ralph Greenson, a prominent psychoanalyst to Hollywood stars. As common during this period, he relied heavily on drug therapy...routinely prescribing barbiturates and tranquilizers in addition to his psychotherapy.
    July 1960 marked the start of filming "The Misfits"...a short story by Arthur Miller adapted for film. While on location the Millers lived in separate quarters and were barely speaking. Meanwhile, pills for Marilyn were regularly flown in from her Los Angeles doctors, including Dr. Greenson. Allan Snyder recalled..."It took so long to get her going in the morning that usually I had to make her up while she lay in her bed." But once again, she managed to give an exceptional performance.
    "Everybody is always tugging at you. They'd all like a sort of chunk out of you. I don't think they realize it, but it's like "grrrr do this, grrrr do that..." But you do want to stay intact...intact and on two feet."
    On November 5th, the day after "The Misfits" was completed, co-star Clark Gable suffered a serious heart attack and died on November 16, 1960. Marilyn felt a great deal of guilt, commenting..."I kept him waiting...kept him waiting for hours and hours on that picture."
    Evelyn Moriarty remembered..."Marilyn was being blamed for everything. All of her problems were exaggerated to cover up for Director Huston's gambling and the terrible waste of money on that production. It was easy for her to be made the scapegoat."
    Marilyn divorced Arthur Miller in January of 1961, the same month that "The Misfits" was released. Another unhappy marriage was terminated.
    "Mr. Miller is a wonderful man and a great writer, but it didn't work out that we should be husband and wife."
    In 1961 Marilyn purchased a house in the Brentwood section of Los Angeles. At the urging of her psychoanalyst, Dr Greenson, she hired Eunice Murray as housekeeper. Murray, calling herself a nurse, had neither the training or credentials. It is suspected that she was a "spy" for Dr. Greenson who continued to have more and more control over Marilyn's life, seeing her almost daily when she was in Los Angeles.
    A reported affair with John F. Kennedy began in late 1961. At the President's gala birthday celebration in Madison Square Garden on May 19, 1962, Marilyn sang her now famous "Happy Birthday" tribute to JFK. The Attorney General, Bobby Kennedy was also reported to have had an affair with Marilyn shortly before her death.
    Marilyn began production on "Somethings Got to Give" in April 1962. Much has been said about her inability to show up on the set and her trip to New York for the Presidents birthday celebration...but her illnesses had been well documented by physicians and she had obtained permission from the Studio well in advance of the trip to New York.
    "I feel stronger if the people around me on the set love me, care for me, and hold good thoughts for me. It creates an aura of love, and I believe I can give a better performance."
    The Studio was deeply in debt over their production of "Cleopatra" starring Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton. The filming was way behind schedule and costing millions over budget. It is theorized, if Fox scrapped the Marilyn Monroe film with far fewer expensive sets and actors, they possibly could be reimburse by the insurance company for losses due to a star's illness, and recoup monies spent. Fox fired Marilyn and filed suit against Marilyn Monroe Productions on June 7, but the suit was later dropped.
    Marilyn had been seeing Joe DiMaggio frequently during this time and had finally agreed to remarry him. The wedding date was set for August 8, 1962. Fox rehired her on August 1 to complete "Somethings Got to Give" with a salary of $250,000, which was two and a half times the original amount. Of course these events would never come to pass due to her untimely death on August 5, 1962.
    Much has been speculated about the events surrounding her death and others involvement in it. But whatever the is highly unlikely that it was suicide. Possibly the result of a tragic accidental drug overdose...and possibly administered by someone other than Marilyn herself.
    A saddened Joe DiMaggio made arrangements for the funeral, inviting no one from the Hollywood scene or press...but only close friends and relatives. As he said..."they had only hurt Marilyn." For over 20 years flowers were delivered weekly to her crypt from Joe...just as he had promised Marilyn when she told him of William Powell's pledge to the dying Jean Harlow.
    "I knew I belonged to the public and to the world, not because I was talented or even beautiful, but because I had never belonged to anything or anyone else."

    and this is the list of her films :

    Scudda-Hoo! Scudda-Hay!, Fox, April 1948, with June Haver, Lon McCallister, Walter Brennan, Ann Revere, Natalie Wood

    Dangerous Years, Fox, December 1947 (filmed after Scudda-Hoo! Scudda-Hay! but released first), with William Halop, Ann Todd, Darryl Hickman, Jerome Cowan

    Ladies of the Chorus, Columbia, October 1948, with Adele Jergens, Rand Brooks, Nana Bryant

    Love Happy, United Artists, April 1950, with Marx brothers, Ilona Massey, Eric Blore, Vera-Ellen, Raymond Burr

    A Ticket to Tomahawk, Fox, May 1950, with Dan Dailey, Anne Baxter, Rory Calhoun, Walter Brennan, Marion Marshall

    The Asphalt Jungle, MGM, May 1950, with Sterling Hayden, Louis Calhern, Jean Hagen, Sam Jaffe, James Whitmore

    All About Eve, Fox, October 1950, with Bette Davis, Anne Baxter, George Sanders, Celeste Holm, Gary Merill, Hugh Marlowe, Thelma Ritter, Gregory Ratoff

    The Fireball, Fox, November 1950, with Mickey Rooney, Pat O'Brien, Beverly Tyler

    Right Cross, MGM, November 1950, with Dick Powell, June Allyson, Ricardo Montalban, Lionel Barrymore

    Home Town Story, MGM, May 1951, with Donald Crisp, Jeffrey Lynn, Marjorie Reynolds, Alan Hale, Jr

    As Young As You Feel, Fox, August 1951, with Monty Woolley, Jean Peters, Thelma Ritter, Constance Bennett, Albert Dekker

    Love Nest, Fox, October 1951, with June Haver, William Lundigan, Leatrice Joy, Jack Parr, Frank Fay

    Let's Make It Legal, Fox, November 1951, with Claudette Colbert, Macdonald Carey, Robert Wagner, Zachary Scott, Barbara Bates

    Clash by Night, RKO, June 1952, with Barbara Stanwyck, Robert Ryan, Paul Douglas, Keith Andes

    We're Not Married, Fox, July 1952, with Ginger Rogers, Fred Allen, Louis Calhern, Zsa Zsa Gabor

    Don't Bother to Knock, Fox, July 1952, with Richard Widmark, Anne Bancroft, Donna Corcoran, Jim Backus, Lurene Tuttle

    Monkey Business, Fox, September 1952, with Cary Grant, Ginger Rogers, Charles Coburn, Hugh Marlowe

    O. Henry's Full House, Fox, October 1952, with Charles Laughton, David Wayne

    Niagara, Fox, January 1953, with Joseph Cotten, Jean Peters, Casey Adams, Richard Allan, Denis O'Dea, Don Wilson, Lurene Tuttle

    Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, Fox, July 1953, Jane Russell, Tommy Noonan, Charles Coburn, Elliot Reid, George Winslow, Norma Varden

    How To Marry a Millionaire, Fox, November 1953, with Betty Grable, Lauren Bacall, William Powell, David Wayne, Rory Calhoun, Alex D'Arcy, Cameron Mitchell, Fred Clark

    River of No Return, Fox, April 1954, with Robert Mitchum, Tommy Rettig, Rory Calhoun

    There's No Business Like Show Business, Fox, December 1954, with Ethel Merman, Dan Dailey, Donald O'Connor, Mitzi Gaynor, Johnny Ray

    The Seven Year Itch
    , Fox, June 1955, with Tom Ewell, Evelyn Keyes, Victor Moore, Robert Strauss

    Bus Stop, Fox, August 1956, with Don Murray, Arthur O'Connell, Eileen Heckart, Betty Field, Hope Lange

    The Prince and the Showgirl, Warner Bros., June 1957, with Laurence Olivier, Sybil Thorndike, Jeremy Spenser, Richard Wattis, Esmond Knight, Maxine Audley

    Some Like It Hot, United Artist, March 1959, with Jack Lemmon, Tony Curtis, George Raft, Pat O'Brien, Joe E. Brown, Joan Shawlee

    Let's Make Love, Fox, September 1960, with Yves Montand, Wilfrid Hyde White, Tony Randell, Frankie Vaughan, Madge Kennedy

    The Misfits, United Artists/Seven Arts, Febuary 1961, with Clark Gable, Montgomery Clift, Eli Wallach, Thelma Ritter, Kevin McCarthy, Estelle Winwood, Ralph Roberts

    Something's Got to Give (Incompleted), with Dean Martin, Cyd Charisse, Phil Silver, Wally Cox. Production was shut down on June 12, 1962. Marilyn Monroe died on August 4, 1962. The film was rewritten and recasted with Doris Day and James Garner as "Move Over Darling" 
    Her Quotes

    "I want to grow old without face-lifts...I want to have the courage to be loyal to the face I have made. Sometimes I think it would be easier to avoid old age, to die young, but then you'd never complete your life, would you? You'd never wholly know yourself."
    "With fame, you know, you can read about yourself, somebody else's ideas about you, but what's important is how you feel about yourself -for survival and living day to day with what comes up."
    "I am not interested in money. I just want to be wonderful."
    "Fame is fickle and I know it. It has its compensations, but it also has its drawbacks and I've experienced them both."
    "No-one ever told me I was pretty when I was a little girl. All little girls should be told they are pretty, even if they aren't."
    "My illusions didn't have anything to do with being a fine actress. I knew how third rate I was. I could actually feel my lack of talent, as if it were cheap clothes I was wearing inside. But, my God, how I wanted to learn, to change, to improve!"
    "Only the public can make a star. It's the studios who try to make a system out of it."
    "If I play a stupid girl and ask a stupid question I've got to follow it through. What am I supposed to do -look intelligent?"
    "Some people have been unkind. If I say I want to grow as an actress, they look at my figure. If I say I want to develop, to learn my craft, they laugh. Somehow they don't expect me to be serious about my work."
    "I don't understand why people aren't a little more generous with each other."
    Press comment on posing nude for calendar in 1949... "My sin has been no more than I have written posing for the nude picture because I need fifty dollars desperately to get my car out of hock."
    "There was my name up in lights. I said 'God, somebody's made a mistake. But there is was, in lights. And I sat there and said, 'Remember, your're not a star'. Yet there it was up in lights."
    "An actor is supposed to be a sensitive instrument. Isaac Stern takes good care of his violin. What if everybody jumped on his violin?"
    "That's the trouble, a sex symbol becomes a thing. But if I'm going to be a symbol of something, I'd rather have it sex than some other things we've got symbols of."
    "The only people I care about are the people in Times Square, across the street from the theatre, who can't get close as I come in. If I had light make-up on, they'd never see me. This make-up is for them..."
    "Men who think that a woman's past love affairs lessen her love for them are usually stupid and weak. A woman can bring a new love to each man she loves, providing there are not too many."
    "It stirs up envy, fame does. People...feel fame gives them some kind of privilege to walk up to you and say anything to you -and it won't hurt your feelings -like it's happening to your clothing."

    Her Poetry

    I could have loved you once
    and even said it
    But you went away,
    When you came back it was too late
    And love was a forgotten word.

    O, Time
    Be Kind
    Help this weary being
    To forget what is sad to remember
    Loose my loneliness,
    Ease my mind,
    While you eat my flesh.


    I left my home of green rough wood,

    A blue velvet couch.
    I dream till now
    A shiny dark bush
    Just left of the door.
    Down the walk
    Clickity clack
    As my doll in her carriage
    Went over the cracks-
    "We'll go far away."


    Don't cry my doll

    Don't cry
    I hold you and rock you to sleep
    Hush hush
    I'm pretending now
    I'm not your mother who died.


    Help help
    Help I feel life coming closer
    When all I want to do is die.

    From time to time
    I make it rhyme
    but don't hold that kind
    of thing
    Oh well, what the hell,
    so it won't sell.
    What I want to tell-
    is what's on my mind:
    'taint Dishes,
    'taint Wishes,
    it's thoughts
    flinging by
    before I die-
    and to think
    in ink.

    Good nite
    and sweet repose
    Where ever you lay your head-
    I hope you find your nose-

    so macam mane... interesting kan hidup dea... cantek, berbakat, cume sygnyer alam perkahwinan dea tak buat dea bahagia sampai addict dengan dadah... poor marilyn... huhuhu


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